

In Green-Gps, each reported location can have various attributes that provide detailed information about the device's status and data at that specific moment. These attributes are not configurable by users, but understanding them is crucial for correctly interpreting the information provided by the tracking devices. It is important to note that the available attributes depend on each device and are additional to the standard attributes of each location. Not all devices have additional attributes, so all the attributes listed below may or may not be present in each location report.

It is important to note that additional attributes depend on the device used and may vary between location reports. Not all devices have the same attributes, and some reports may not include additional attributes. Understanding these attributes is essential for correctly interpreting the data provided and maximizing the use of the Green-Gps platform. Although these attributes are not configurable by users, knowing them helps in better managing and analyzing the information collected by tracking devices.

Attribute Description
Event Event triggered by the device
Status Status of the device
Command Command triggered by the device
Altitude Altitude in meters
Mileage Mileage reported by the device
User User logged on the device
Fuel2 Fuel status sensor 2
Temperature2 Temperature from sensor 2
Voltage Voltage on the device
ADC1 Sensor 1 Analog
ADC2 Sensor 2 Analog
ADC3 Sensor 3 Analog
ADC4 Sensor 4 Analog
ADC5 Sensor 5 Analog
ADC6 Sensor 6 Analog
ADC7 Sensor 7 Analog
ADC8 Sensor 8 Analog
ADC9 Sensor 9 Analog
ADC10 Sensor 10 Analog
ADC11 Sensor 11 Analog
ADC12 Sensor 12 Analog
ADC13 Sensor 13 Analog
ADC14 Sensor 14 Analog
ADC15 Sensor 15 Analog
ADC16 Sensor 16 Analog
Input Input status
IO1 Input and output 1 status
IO2 Input and output 2 status
IO3 Input and output 3 status
IO4 Input and output 4 status
Output Output status
Counter Device Counter
Counter1 Device Counter 1
Counter2 Device Counter 2
Counter3 Device Counter 3
Counter4 Device Counter 4
HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilution_of_precision_(navigation)
PDOP Position Dilution of Precision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilution_of_precision_(navigation)
VDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilution_of_precision_(navigation)
Satellites Number of satellites connected
GSM GMS signal
GPS GPS signal
Signal Signal on device
MCC Mobile Country Code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_country_code
MNC Mobile Network Code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_country_code
LAC Location Area Code https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Location_area_identity
CID Mobile Cell ID
Cell Mobile Cell ID
Charge Charge voltage
API Device API number
Type Type of event
Index Index of report
Serial Serial of report
Power Power supply Voltage
Battery Batter Voltage
Alarm Alarm triggered
Archive Data Archive
Code Code of event
Flags Flags of event
Valid Location Validity
Steps Number of steps traveled
ADC0 Sensor 1 Analog
ODate Original date submitted by the device
Last modification: 2024-06-03 16:44:26